Sunday, June 3, 2012

Royal Bank and Bank Of Nova Scotia buy Judge

 Royal Bank and Bank Of Nova Scotia buy Judge

January 23, 2016

I have lived in North America for 40 years and always believed in Law and order. Nothing could be further from the Truth. Racketeering is the order of the day in Canada as Lawyers and Judges pre-determine out comes behind closed doors then enter a public court room with the pre-determined judgement that cheat foreign born Kikes (Sanctioned by the Vancouver Police Department) like me out of millions. What a scam. Banks Pay these Judges huge amounts of money in cash which they keep in safety deposit boxes in the bank.

No wonder the World Financial System is on the skids. Its Banks like the Royal Bank of Canada and the Bank of Nova Scotia that are rigging world financial markets to collapse with their dark pool trading, falsification of trades and rigging of world stock markets are causing retail investors to abandon the stock market and move into income producing opportunities as Canadian Pension Plans collapse causing millions of retired Canadians back into the work force as they have lost their nest eggs and are living on their home equity which is about to collapse when the overheated Housing market crashes in the not to distant future.

Financial fraud by the Big Canadian Banks seems to have proliferated in recent years as volatility has increased as markets go down. In fact, when the market drops and assets levels fall, and bank clients seek to redeem their investments,  those redemption notices put the Banks on the ropes because they have to come up with the money to return.Something they do not like to do.

That's how Madoff was caught. It wasn't from a whistle-blower, but it should have been.

Now with MF Global under the gun to pay back $1.2 billion in client funds squirreled away in the above mentioned banks in the UK and elsewhere, it's apparent that you not only have to be aware of racketeering, but incompetence as well. That's hard to digest especially in the MF Global situation since Jon Corzine was a former chairman of Goldman Sachs as well as the former governor of New Jersey. 

MF Global has roots that go back to the 1860s. Another firm, Britain's oldest merchant bank Barings Bank PLC, collapsed in 1995 due to fraudulent trading. The bank was chartered in 1762.

But having Corzine in jail or banned from the securities industry for Failure to Supervise is the door prize when you're a farmer whose missing all his allocated capital for hedging or an emerging fund manager who had a promising career as a Commodity Trading Advisor or Hedge Fund manager.

There has been plenty of testimony regarding MF Global, but no charges have been filed against anyone yet. That may change soon as the prosecutors consider immunity for several key witnesses, especially Edith O'Brien, the firm's former assistant treasurer.

Investors who are victims of crime or financial fraud (Especially in Canada) might have an easier time dong background research in trying to avoid Ponzi schemes before making investments rather than guessing which bank, Future Commission Merchant, or broker/dealer goes bankrupt.

Kathy Phelps, Esq., co-author of The Ponzi Book with the Hon. Steven Rhodes, is an expert in financial fraud and Ponzi schemes. "Obviously, the best thing to do would be to avoid a Ponzi scheme in the first place, so I advocate completing a great deal of due diligence prior to handing over any funds," she told me during a recent interview. "You'd be surprised how much is actually available to the public."

Phelps represents trustees in such cases and estates when there are funds to recoup from financial fraud.

Surprising or not, there are a great many resources an investor can use to comprise their due diligence before making an investment.
Phelps suggests the following checklist before making an investment:

For a broker or adviser's compliance history search FINRA for history
Search the SEC for Investment Advisory Firms that have been sued by the SEC such as the Royal Bank of Canada currently in a US court for stock fraud. Forced to sell its retail operations to PNG by the US Government.

Do a background check or a Google search by the individuals name as well as past employment.

A simple Google search on James Davis Risher of Sanibel Island, Fla., would have turned up a treasure chest of information. He plead guilty last year of making off with $22 million in investor funds before getting caught while he was boarding a plane to Bermuda. His accomplice in the scheme, Daniel Joseph Sebastian, was found dead April 4 days ago of an apparent suicide. Risher, 61, has since been sentenced to 19 years and 7 months.

Both men targeted retired teachers and boasted of 14 to 24 percent annual returns possible through their fraudulent investment vehicle. Had any of his victims done a basic background check of his name "James Risher," prior to making an investment, they would have seen that he'd been incarcerated for 11 of the last 19 years.

There is not always that easy to spot a Ponzi, but as you can see, there are plenty of resources to get some basic information before you invest so that you can ask better questions about the managers at the Royal Bank and the Scotia Bank who are seeking your investment dollars. The chances are they are "in" on the deal and you will loose money on their investment recommendations that they are setting you up for.

So be careful investing in These 2 Banks better invest with a Canadian Credit Union where your money will be safe.

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