Monday, November 7, 2016

Colonial Restarts Damaged Oil Pipeline Following Deadly Blast - British Columbia at risk.

November 7, 2016.

On Sunday, Colonial Pipeline announced that the blast-damaged gas line in rural Alabama had been restarted.

In a statement, Colonial said that the country's largest gasoline line resumed service at 5:45 Sunday morning and noted that supplies should return to normal to Atlanta by Monday, November 7. However, it will likely take several days for the delivery supply chain to return to normal.

The pipeline was shut down on Monday, October 31 following a massive explosion that left several workers injured and one dead at the scene.

The Georgia-based company and government officials determined the cause of the explosion to be accidental — a track hoe struck the pipeline in error which then ignited the fiery blaze.

On Tuesday, Alabama Governor Robert Bentley also declared a state of emergency in case of a severe gas shortage.

The blast, which sent flames and thick black smoke soaring over the forest, happened about a mile west of where the pipeline ruptured in September, Gov. Robert Bentley said in a statement. (AP Photo/Brynn Anderson)

According to the National Safety Board will continue to investigate what was Colonial's second pipeline rupture and shutdown in the past two months.

In Friday's statement, Colonial said, "Our focus remains on ensuring the safety of the public, personnel on location, and supporting our colleagues and their families who have been impacted. Our deepest condolences go out to the family and loved ones of the deceased, and our thoughts and prayers remain with the four individuals who were injured and who continue to receive care."
Now this being reported how long will it be before we in British Columbia have the same set of problems now that the recipe for disaster with Kinder Morgan ET AL pipe line expansion and the Northern LNG Project go through. We will kiss our Tourism Industry goodbye when and where we have a major accident as large amounts of workers on these projects are either drunk or stoned on serious drugs that includes politicians and senior management in the Provincial Government of British Columbia who are always high on drugs and are unqualified to run the numerous ministries as they are political appointments of "Crooked Christy Clark and her henchmen" .

Its just a matter of time till we see a massive oil spill like the Exon Valdez 26 years ago which still has not recovered after 11 million gallons that's more than 43 million liters  of oil spilled into Prince William Sound that destroyed hundreds of thousands of majestic animals from Sea Otters to Killer Whales.
You’d think nearly three decades would be long enough for the wildlife to recover, but some populations took a harder hit than others. 

Take killer whales, also known as orcas.

They’re the subject of a new National Geographic investigative documentary produced by reporter J.J. Kelley exploring the effects of the Exxon Valdez spill on this highly intelligent animal. “News always goes in and covers the immediate,” Kelley says, “but what about the long-term fallout?”
Two pods of orcas were caught up directly in the spill. One, the so-called resident orcas, lost 14 of its 36 members after the spill. These fish-eating orcas still haven’t recovered. Even worse off is the “transient” pod—orcas that feed on seals and other marine mammals living in the sound. The "Chugach transients," as they're called, are the stars of this three part documentary.
Before the spill, they numbered 22. Nine immediately disappeared and were presumed dead, likely from ingesting or inhaling oil. Another six went missing. Now the transients are down to seven. Not one calf has been born since the spill, and the two remaining females are too old to reproduce. The pod will soon die off.

So Crooked Christy Clark you should resign as premier of British Columbia and quit Politics before you ruin the Province of British Columbia for ever . The Federal Government and Your emergency plans are a joke and will not work. You cannot even deal with a 200,000 liter  from a sunken tug how do you expect us the people to allow you to run British Columbia into the ground and cheat all British Columbian's out of our majestic province and turn Vancouver Harbor into a cesspool.