Friday, October 16, 2015

Providence files another antitrust lawsuit against Bank of Nova Scotia Et Al this time over U.S. Treasury securities

Providence files another antitrust lawsuit against Bank of Nova Scotia Et Al  this time over U.S. Treasury securities
October, 16, 2015, - 10:26am

NEW YORK - The City of Providence has joined nearly 30 other separate plaintiffs in filing its own class action lawsuit against a group of banks over their alleged “collusion” in auctions of U.S. Treasury securities.

Providence filed its 34-page complaint in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York Sept. 29. Pomerantz LLP, a securities law firm headquartered in New York City, is representing the city in the proposed class action.

The city, which has filed various other antitrust lawsuits in recent years, is suing for violations of the Sherman Act, Clayton Act, Commodity Exchange Act and state common law against the banks, each of which is or was a “primary dealer” in Treasury securities, according to the city’s complaint.

The named defendant banks include: Bank of Nova Scotia, New York Agency; BMO Capital Markets Corp.; BNP Paribas Securities Corp.; Barclays Capital Inc.; Cantor Fitzgerald & Co.; Citigroup Global Markets Inc.; Commerz Markets LLC, formerly known as Dresdner Kleinwort Securities LLC; Credit Suisse Securities (USA) LLC; Daiwa Capital Markets America Inc.; Deutsche Bank Securities Inc.; Goldman, Sachs & Co.; HSBC Securities (USA) Inc.; Jefferies LLC; J.P. Morgan Securities LLC; Merrill Lynch, Pierce, Fenner & Smith Inc.; Mizuho Securities USA Inc.; Morgan Stanley & Co. LLC; Nomura Securities International Inc.; RBC Capital Markets LLC; RBS Securities Inc.; SG Americas Securities LLC; TD Securities (USA) LLC; and UBS Securities LLC.

Providence argues in its complaint that the defendants’ collusion in auctions of Treasury securities, along with derivative financial products related to Treasury securities, such as futures and options, have hurt it financially.

Treasury securities are debt instruments issued by the U.S. Treasury Department, which regularly borrows to help finance the debt of the U.S. federal government. About two-thirds of the U.S. government’s debt is held in Treasury securities.

As of June, the Treasury securities market was estimated to be $12.5 trillion.

“Treasury securities are a bedrock of the U.S. financial system: their sales raise money to fund the government, and the rates attached to their sales affect a range of borrowing costs, including home mortgages, auto loans, credit cards, corporate bonds, and state and local bonds,” Providence explained in its complaint.

Such securities are sold at auctions, for which all relevant information is announced several days in advance.

In the days before an auction, a primary dealer that plans to purchase Treasury securities at the auction may sell the securities to its customers. A “primary dealer” is a financial institution selected by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York as a trading counter party, either a U.S. chartered bank subject to official supervision by bank supervisors or broker-dealers registered with and supervised by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

The primary dealer then may buy at the auction to cover these sales, pocketing the difference in sale and purchase price, or spread, as profit.

Primary dealers are the largest group of purchasers at Treasury securities auctions, and they are the only parties required to participate in all such auctions and to make reasonable markets for the FRBNY.

“As primary dealers, defendants thus collectively occupy a unique position in the world’s financial markets and have voluntarily assumed a special obligation with respect to the implementation of U.S. monetary policy,” Providence noted in its filing.

“Defendants, however, repeatedly abused their position by colluding to manipulate auctions of Treasury securities and pricing of Treasury securities during the when-issued market.”

The city contends that by exchanging confidential customer information, the defendant banks were able to “coordinate their trading strategies.”

As a result, they allegedly artificially inflated prices of Treasury securities they sold to customers in the when-issued market and manipulated auction bidding to artificially deflate the prices at which they purchased Treasury securities to cover orders placed pre-auction in the when-issued market.

“Part of this collusion was agreed upon through the very communication methods that conspirators, including many of the primary dealers, exploited for colluding to manipulate other financial markets and benchmarks, including foreign exchange, the London InterBank Offered Rate (‘LIBOR’), and the leading benchmark for fixed rates on interest-rate derivatives and swaps worldwide (‘ISDAFIX’),” Providence wrote in its action.

“These communication methods, including, without limitation, instant messaging, electronic chatrooms and telephonic methods, were difficult to track and trace. Consequently, defendants were able to maximize, through collusion and at expense of the class, their own profits.”

According to its lawsuit, Providence “directly transacted” in Treasury instruments with one or more of the defendant banks during the class period.

“As a direct and proximate result of defendants’ collusive and manipulative activities, Providence was injured in its business or property,” the city wrote, noting that it believes there are “at least thousands” of class members.

“Reasonable due diligence could not have uncovered defendants’ and their co-conspirators’ manipulative conspiracy.”

In a stipulation and order filed by Judge Paul G. Gardephe Wednesday, the defendant banks’ time to answer, move or otherwise respond to Providence’s complaint has been suspended until an order is entered consolidating any related actions.

Providence’s case and 27 other, recently-filed cases all are based on the same conduct by many of the same defendants.

The initial complaint, State-Boston Retirement System v. Bank of Nova Scotia, New York Agency, et al., was filed in the Southern District of New York July 23. Twenty-six other related cases were subsequently filed between July 24 and Sept. 28.

In its case, Providence seeks damages, to the maximum extent allowed under federal antitrust laws, and that a joint and several judgment in favor of it and the class be entered against the defendants in an amount to be trebled.

The city also wants the banks permanently enjoined from “entering into any other conspiracy or combination having a similar purpose or effect, and from adopting or following any practice, plan, program or device having a similar purpose or effect.”

It also seeks pre- and post-judgment interest, costs and attorneys’ fees.

The action is Providence’s most recent filing in what appears to be a growing interest in antitrust litigation.

Since 2012, the city has teamed up with private law firms -- most notably, prominent plaintiffs firm Motley Rice -- to file more than a dozen antitrust lawsuits in federal court.

Those cases allege companies are “scheming” to keep generic versions of their prescription drugs off the market by agreeing to so-called “pay-for-delay” settlements.

In such deals -- sometimes referred to as reverse payment patent settlements -- brand-name drug makers pay their generic competitors to keep cheaper alternatives off the market.

Critics of the settlements, including Providence, argue they are anti-competitive and are not in the public’s interest, and often result in higher prices for consumers.

Friday, August 7, 2015

Financial Industry in Denial that Market Structure Is the Root of Recent Problems

Financial Industry in Denial that Market Structure Is the Root of Recent Problems

AUGUST 08, 2015

After the latest electronic trading glitch, this one at Knight Capital, it's easy to see why investors are turning away from the main financial markets.

The capital markets is the only industry in the world in which the accepted norm is to tolerate major screw ups. You know, because in financial services, compliance is really hard and there's no way everything can be tested and monitored in advance. Yesterday's trading problem at Knight Capital is just the latest example. Can we trust the Banks or are the markets rigged? I think the latter.

For a frame of reference, can you imagine airlines responding after a tragic accident with something along the lines of: "Yes, this incident was horrible, but we have so many planes and inspecting them takes so much time and is so expensive. Accidents like this are bound to happen again. Sorry."

Or General Motors saying: "It's a shame that some engines in our cars explode without warning, but, hey, we make so many cars, and there is no way we can make sure every car works like it should."

Granted, a failure at an airline or an auto company could cost many lives, while a failure in the financial services business just means lost investor money. But in almost every other industry -- consumer goods, housing, food and beverage -- the response after a product failure is swift and decisive. "We'll fix it immediately and take steps to make sure it doesn't happen again."

In the financial markets, however, every time there is a rogue algo, flash crash, IPO failure or exchange outage, the response is, "Whoops, sorry. We're trying to figure out what went wrong. But it's complicated, and it may take a while. However, next time -- and there will be a next time -- it will be caused by something we didn't think we should test, or didn't test enough. But keep on trading anyway!" Many in the industry say there is no way the electronic markets could ever be truly monitored and already have thrown in the towel. I beg to differ.

I think that the Canadian Financial Industry controlled by the Big Five Canadian Banking Cartel are involved somehow but it is difficult to prove look how well they have done. I have friends that work on trading desks at Canadian Banks some of them are making up to $5 million a day in hidden profits which they quickly move of shore to screw the Canada Revenue Agency out of personal income taxes. A lawyer in Vancouver made $14 million in 10 minutes as he showed me how his algo worked. He  is laughing all the way to the bank.

No wonder trading volumes continue to slide and investors are bailing out of the market and buying other asset classes. Investors don't trust the banks or the markets, and with good reason. If the regulators and market participants can't even figure out what causes these huge trading errors, what are individual investors supposed to do? Blindly put their hard-earned cash into a market that may, or may not, work the way it should? Take part in a system that might, or might not, put the average investor at a disadvantage because it is geared toward high-speed traders and large brokers that work at trading desks at big banks? Put their money in a fast, fully electronic market that is operating with a set of regulations and oversight that is better suited to slow, manual trading?

It's pretty clear investors have had enough and are investing elsewhere. The trading volumes and outflows from investment funds prove it. The numbers don't lie. But the banking industry remains in denial. "A lack of confidence in the economy," "uncertainty" and "excessive regulations" are the excuses when executives from financial firms try to explain why investors are sitting on the sidelines. I don't think so. I think the economy is growing and investors are buying direct in dark pools bypassing traditional markets.

Investors' have confidence, however, is not solely based on economics. True, the economy continues to grow. But the confidence crisis has more to do with the structure of the markets. Investors watch high-speed traders regularly jump in front of their orders and make profits on millions of small transactions. Yet average investors are told that the high-speed trader's profits don't come at the expense of investors and that investors actually benefit from the added liquidity. Yeah, right.

If there is "uncertainty," it is not because investors are concerned just about the direction of the economy. Good investors can make money in good or bad economic cycles. Investors are uncertain if the marketplace is a fair place to trade. Are investors at a disadvantage when they come up against fast electronic markets? Are investors getting front-run by brokers and HFT shops? Do the markets really still serve their original purpose as a place to raise capital? I don't think so. I think that the Regulators Canadian and US on both sides of the Border need to give their head a shake, wake up and smell the coffee with all the fraud that the Banks and the Lawyers commit on both sides of the border.

Finally, investors are not concerned about excessive regulations as much as the talking heads on Bay Street and Wall Street would like everyone to believe. Investors are concerned that the regulations and regulators governing the markets are old, out of date and out of touch. The rash of recent incidents -- from Knight's system problems on Aug. 1 to the much covered Facebook IPO debacle -- suggests that regulators have not been able to keep up with the fully electronic marketplace. This has certainly undermined investor confidence in regulators. Investors want to see that regulators are a step ahead of the markets and that the market participants themselves are on top of their own technology. But when it takes days or weeks to figure our what went wrong, investors find good reasons to doubt the marketplace altogether and move forward.

Hopefully, Knight's recent trading troubles will serve as a wake-up call for the governments and the marketplace. Instead of pointing fingers at regulations, a shaky economy and anything else that serves to deflect the focus from the real problem, capital markets firms need to look inward and fix their own problems. Travelers don't fly on shoddy airlines and consumers won't do business with suspect manufacturers. So why should investors tolerate a suspect financial marketplace that is shaky and unstable and unregulated by both Canadian and US Governments who drag their heals when it comes to keeping up with technology that regulates and has some sense of order to it in a world of chaos?